Thank you for registering with

We would like to see you in real life as soon as possible, so we would like to invite you for an intake interview. This group interview will take about 45 minutes. We will do an introduction round and explain all things Showpony. Next, we would like to know what you want to do at Showpony and why. You do not need to bring anything special.

With the intake interview we will get a good impression of you in real life and make sure your introduction to Showpony is good.

After the intake interview we will discuss whether we will include you in our community. You will hear within 1 week after the intake interview whether you have been accepted.

If everything went correctly, you have ALREADY SCHEDULED your intake interview with us in the previous steps. 

IF NOT: Pick a date here, when you want to drop by:

We’ll see you soon at our Headquarters!