The timeline
As with many social media platforms is this the first thing you see when opening the Showpony Hub app. Here you can find an overview of all messages meant for you. For example; information regarding your function group, your location (community) and messages from the management of your organization.
Messages on your timeline can be marked as important. You can recognize them with the yellow star. They’re always on top of the timeline and will remain on top until you’ve clicked on ‘mark as read‘.
At files you can find all type of shared files which are posted in timeline messages.
If you go to the button at the top left corner you’re able to select a group. Here you can find the community groups. These groups are subgroups within your location (community) based on function group. Underneath the community groups you can find the organization groups. These are groups which are created for an organization wide audience. Often they contain general information for the entire organization. Whenever you select a group of your choice you will only see the messages shared in that group..
With the chat function you can easily share private messages with your co-workers.
You can also start a group chat. Click on ‘+ Start chat’ or click on the icon in the top right corner to start a conversation.
In the chat function you’re able to share files, GIF’s, video’s and images.
You can also remove chat messages.
If you click in the right top corner on the three vertical circles, you’re able to check out the profile in the chat, disable notifications and remove chat conversations.
Try to contact your colleagues as much as you can through the chat of Showpony Hub and avoid for example Whatsapp.
The Academy is the digital learning environment of Oneteam.
The Academy consists of two components:
- Onboarding
In the onboarding you can find modules to help you when you’re new to the organization.
- E-Learnings
E-Learnings are short training modules which you need to follow when you’re already working for an organization.
Behind the ‘More’ button you will find a large variety of functionalities offered by Showpony Hub
- Apps & Shortcuts: The most important bit, Here you will find ALL JOBS ( and PONY POINTS & the Showpony.Shop
- Colleagues: Here you can find all colleagues and birthdays
- Documents: Find shared documents and files here specifically created for you
- Events: Events are also visible in the calender, but can be found seperately here.
- Forms: Check out your forms here, for example expense claims or incident reports.
- Surveys: Fill in a survey here created by an organization admin
- Settings: Manage the privacy settings, timeline settings, notifications and language settings here.
- Help Center: With questions about Oneteam you can visit their Help Center or start a chat with them here.
- User management: (Only for admins) new access requests to the organization will be found here.
I forgot my username and/or password?
If you can’t log in, this can be due to several reasons. Follow these steps:
Click on ‘Forgot password’. You will receive an email with a new temporary password with which you can log in. You can change this immediately after you have logged in with this temporary password. Didn’t receive an email? Check your ‘unwanted’ mailbox.
Didn’t receive an email? Email to see if your email address is correct in the app. If not, we will change the email address and send you a new invitation.
It says ‘you are not a member of the community’. What does this mean?
This means that you are not a member of a community (branch/location). For this you must contact and ask if you can be added (again).
I did not receive an invitation to download the Oneteam app.
Follow these steps:
Check whether the email with the invitation is in your spam mailbox. Is the email not in your spam box? Then you can email and ask if your email address is correct in the system.
Ask if we can send them an invitation again.
This is the first time I am going to download the Oneteam app.
In this case, you will have to receive an invitation from Showpony. You will first be added to FLEKS and then you will receive an invitation to download the Showpony Hub app. This synchronizes with FLEKS every day, so you may not receive the invitation until the next day. In addition, the Showpony hub app can be downloaded via
App is not available in your country or region (iOS)
As soon as you want to download the app (again) and you receive a message that this app is not available in your country or region, Oneteam cannot help you. If you have an iPhone, you can follow the steps in this article to be able to download the app.
What do I always receive notifications for?
- You will always receive a notification for organizational messages that are marked as important (In the phone settings you can set whether you want a sound for a notification);
- Messages that you have posted a response to;
- Chat messages that are intended for you. You can turn this off by clicking on the three dots at the top right and selecting turn off notification.
Change password
You can change your password by following these steps:
- Click on the ‘more’ tab at the bottom right;
- Go to ‘my account’;
- Scroll down and click on ‘change password’.
💡 Please note: The password you choose must meet our password requirements. You will receive a message when entering the new password to see whether it meets these requirements.
Set date of birth
In the app you can enter your date of birth and determine who can see it.
- Click on ‘more’ at the bottom right;
- Go to ‘my account’;
- Click on ‘date of birth’;
- Set your date of birth by clicking on the calendar icon;
- Select who can see your date of birth.
My privacy settings
You can set who can see your date of birth and phone number in your profile settings under ‘General’. In addition, under ‘Privacy settings’ you can set who (everyone, no one or only your community) can see when you were last active in the app. You can also set who can send you chat messages and who cannot (for example only people within your own community). Administrators can send a chat message to everyone.
I want to change my email address, how do I do this?
You must report a change of email address to your manager, unfortunately we cannot and may not make any changes to this. You can send a chat message asking if your manager can change your email address. After the change you can log in with your new email address.
I want to delete my account, how do I do this?
You cannot delete your account yourself. Send an email to and ask your manager if he or she can delete your account.